TES 2021 Gift

Given the virtual nature of the TES 2021, we have decided to offer you a gift that can be constructed at the distance. We would like to invite you to build your own Niolamia skull, using the technique Paleocartón developed by the Argentinian paleoartist Santiago Reuil.

Using simple materials like paperboard or cardboard, paper tape, vinyl glue, and scissors, you can create your own skull of one of the most iconic fossils turtles of Argentina. This is, of course, an activity that you could (… or should) do with your children, nephews and loved ones, any kid that likes fossils and constructing things.

Below, you will find all the necessary information to construct your skull: an explanatory video (in Spanish ?, but you can use the automatically translated CC of the YouTube) made by Santiago for his YouTube channel, a guide with all the necessary parts, and a leaflet.

We like to think that this activity will somehow connect us around the world. If you manage to construct your skull, please do sent us a photograph!

Book of Abstracts

This is the proof galley of the Book of Abstracts of the TES 2021. Note that this is not the final, published, version.

After the end of the TES 2021, this proof will be submitted to the Diamond Open Access journal PE-APA to complete the Editorial and Production phases.

The Book of Abstracts is planned to be published soon after the TES 2021.

We would like to kindly ask you to check your abstract and if you find any mistakes please let us know.

Until the final version is published in PE-APA, please keep this version for private use and do not share it online.

MPEF Turtle Holotypes

Please download a small booklet that contains information on the holotype specimens of turtle species stored in the collections of the Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio.

An example of the series of the explanatory videos that we are producing, in order to highlight our holotype specimens.
In this case, this video is dedicated to the holotype of Chubutemys copelloi.

TES 2021 Virtual Field Trip

Unfortunately, the COVID19 pandemic did not allow us to host an in-person conference and all our planned activities. To compensate to some degree, we have produced a short video with a Virtual Field Trip to the nearby Bryn Gwyn Geopark. That was originally planned as the closing activity for all TES 2021 participants on Saturday 13/11.

If you come and visit Trelew in the near future, we will be happy to take you there!

Enjoy a virtual field in the Chubut River Valley, in classical localities like Bryn Gwyn and Cerro Pan de Azúcar that have attracted the interest of famous naturalists and paleontologists like Carlos and Florentino Ameghino, George G. Simpson, and Egidio Feruglio.
Topographic map of the Chubut River Valley and geologic maps of the Pan de Azúcar and Bryn Gwyn areas
(made by M. Krause-MEF; to be included in an upcoming book edited by M. Buono and M.E. Perez for Springer-Nature)